Orright, WATS goin’ on here then?
The Trusts is actually a joint venture called WATS Ltd. So what does that mean for us?
Learn moreThe Trusts is actually a joint venture called WATS Ltd. So what does that mean for us?
Learn moreFact checking Simon Wickham’s appearance on The Project
Learn moreIs competition a threat to The Trusts community funding? No. The threat lies within…
Learn moreFact check! The Trusts claim that West Auckland has the lowest incidence of alcohol related crashes in Auckland. What does the NZTA data actually...
Learn moreWe consider that licensing trusts are probably the least scrutinised part of the public sector No central government agency or select...
Learn moreThe Trusts average profits are $5M p.a. but without investment and gambling incomes they make a loss! How is it that a monopoly operator can...
Learn moreRead this article to help understand the argument Removing the Trusts’ monopoly is not just about alcohol – it is about the kind of West Auckland...
Learn moreAuthorised by Nick Smale, 689 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu Peninsula
© 2024 West Auckland Licensing Trusts Action Group